
środa, 4 maja 2011

Music from Możdżer new Komeda record!!!

On 2nd May Leszek Możdżer gave in Sopot's Sfinks700 club concert with music from his new album dedicated to Komeda. Thanks to Agnieszka Sawinda who attended this concert we learned that famous Polish jazz pianist played the whole program from this record containing following compositions: "Crazy Girl", "Cherry", "Ballad For Bernt", "Svantetic", "Nightime Daytime Requiem", "Prawo i pięść", "Moja ballada" and "Rosemary's Baby". For Możdżer Komeda's tunes as Sawinda states are only point of departure for his boundless creativity and are usually transformed entirely to express pianist's unique sensitivity and style. Fortunately you may catch glimpse of how it will sound on this most expected album since on there is placed mp3 with famous "Svantetic" played by Możdżer.  

For ancores Możdżer played lovely "Sortorello", a XIIIth century tune, coming from his "Time" (2005) album recorded with Larn Danielsson (cello, bass) and Zohar Fresco (percussion, vocal):


2 komentarze:

  1. Svantetic nawet przyzwoity, ale nie zaskakuje.

  2. I chyba tak będzie z całą płytą, niemniej ja lubię te możdżerowskie interpretacje i pewnie z przyjemnością wysłucham płyty...
