
niedziela, 27 listopada 2011

Olbrzym i kurdupel - frrrr... [EP] (OiK, 2009)

Olbrzym i kurdupel (duo)

Marcin Bożek - bass
Tomek Gadecki - tenor sax

frrrr... (OiK, 2009)

This is very good EP indeed!!! It really surprised me very positively and I had loads of fun while listening to it. I really did not expect such a interesting sounds from those two musicians as they are almost unkown on Polish jazz scene yet.  As for Olbrzym (tranl. "giant") that is saxophonist Tomek Gadecki I listened to him recently during this year Warsaw Summer Jazz Days when he substituted for Tomek Glazik in Contemporary Noise Sextet. Surprisingly he made excellent impression on me, not trying to copy Glazik's sound buy speaking with his own voice. Honestly he somehow sounded more fresh and challenging than other players of so famous CNS and I was astonished by such a situation. He has outward, masculine, unrestrained tone. Unlike many virtuoso saxophonists so abundant among Polish young generation he rather concentrates on pure emotions, on directness and on authencity of his message. He leaves behind all unnecesary ornaments and embelishments so typical for those who put too much stress on "how" instead of "what" in jazz. With this EP his talent is confirmed and it's obvious that good show he gave at WSJD was not an incident but that he simply is musician of significant capacity about whom we shall hear much more in future.
As for Kurdupel (tranl. "short") that is bassist Marcin Bożek he comes as even bigger surprise for me. I know virtually nothing about him except he has beautiful tone on his bass guitar, distinct, elegant, perfect to emphasize wholesome tenor licks by Gadecki. His mind is open and like Gadecki he made good impression on me. Summarizing, these two birds are singing so well that regardless that it is their debut recording and just EP I believe that if they continue on this road they might soon be counted among best horn & bass duos in Poland like Keir Neuringer & Rafał Mazur ("Unison Lines") or Piotr Mełech & Fred Lonberg-Holm ("Coarse Day"). 

Sample of music from this EP:

Author: Maciej Nowotny

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