
czwartek, 9 lutego 2012

GAD Records bring Ptaszyn recording back from vaults!!!

Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski – saksofony, flet, klarnet

Włodzimierz Nahorny – organy, fortepian, klawesyn
Bronisław Suchanek – kontrabas
Janusz Stefański – perkusja
Józef Gawrych – instrumenty perkusyjne
Janusz Hojan – trąbka
Benon Hardy – akordeon, organy
sekcja smyczkowa, dyr. Zygmunt Mahlik (1-11)
Poznańska Piętnastka Radiowa (12-25)

Sweet Beat (GAD Records, 2012)

GAD Records which specializes in bringing back to life forgotten (and great!) recordings of the past prepared a very pleasant surprise for jazz fans! After splendid "Nora" (2010) by Zbigniew Seifert Quartet it will now release reprint of Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski album "Sweat Beat" in extended version featuring 14 (!) additional tracks and fully remastered sound. The premiere is set for 10th March 2012...

1 komentarz:

  1. hi, would you like to exchange links? check my blog out :
    thanks and keep the good work up.
