
sobota, 10 marca 2012

Jan Ptaszyn Wroblewski - Live In Tarnow (Polonia, 1999)

Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski: leader, tenor sax

Henryk Miśkiewicz: alto sax
Robert Majewski: trumpet
Wojciech Niedziela: piano
Jacek Niedziela: bass
Marcin Jahr: drums

Live In Tarnow (Polonia, 1999)

Jan Ptaszyn, a legendary saxophonist, composer and arranger, is one of those few who really created such a phenomenon as Polish Jazz. In 50ties and 60ties last century, partially against what was then as much political as musical establishment, Wróblewski, Kurylewicz, Komeda, Namysłowski, Seifert built what was to become lasting and fruitful movement in Polish music. Mr Wróblewski influenced this movement not only as outstanding instrumentalist but also as composer of countless songs which found its way to popular audience (many through his numerous and succesful collaboration with Polish film industry), as leader of big bands and radio orchestra, finally as a man of radio who for nearly 40 years runs show in Polskie Radio. Summarizing, he is a legend and his contribution in Polish Jazz (and our culture in general) is truly enormous.

If however we would like to keep track of his purely musical achievements in recent years we could find that his language remains virtually unchanged and that he prefers to stick to what was jazz 30 or 40 years ago. In this matter he reminds more Sonny Rollins whose play have not changed change much since bop times than for example Wayne Shorter whose music is constantly evolving. I do not hide that this second attitude is closer to how I understand jazz music which (in my humble opinion) is losing its soul when becoming something closed and definite.   

So on this record Wróblewski once again employ musicians he used many times before on his other recordings. They do not change anything in music and keep mainly to Polish standards. Perhaps it all sounds uninspiring when I describe it like that but it shouldn't. Musicianship is of high quality and honestly it is difficult to stop to listen to this simple yet lovely release. It has a charm of an old antic piece of furniture which though looks totally unmatched with modern style yet posses enough style in itself to remain focus of attention regardless of time...

Tracklisting: 1. Seksapil; 2. Już nie zapomnisz mnie; 3. Tylko miłość; 4. Złociste włoski; 5. Tylko ty jesteś moją królewną; 6. Na pierwszy znak; 7. Przyjdzie dzień; 8. Okay; 9. Dlaczego nie chcesz spać

By Maciej Nowotny

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