
wtorek, 28 maja 2019

Paweł Kamiński Quartet – Let's Do It (2019)

Paweł Kamiński Quartet

Paweł Kamiński - tenor & soprano saxophones
Adam Jarzmik - piano
Jędrzej Łaciak - bass guitar
Michał Dziewiński - drums

Let's Do It

SJ 041

By Adam Baruch

This is a debut album by young Polish Jazz saxophonist/composer Paweł Kamiński recorded in a quartet setting with pianist Adam Jarzmik, bass guitarist Jędrzej Łaciak and drummer Michał Dziewiński. The album presents eight tracks, seven of which are original compositions by Kaminski and one is a standard.

The music is all within modern Jazz mainstream, strictly melody based but diverse enough to present the proficiency of the leader as a composer and the band as a performing init. Overall the original compositions are all coherent and well rounded, and sound much more mature than what one might expect from such a young composer.

The performances are also excellent, especially those by Jarzmik, who is clearly the most experienced player on this album and who also has previous recording experience. His soli are all perfectly fluent and are classic examples of Jazz piano at its best. Kamiński also plays very well, with a steady and clear tone and interesting soloing abilities. The rhythm section is amicable and sympathetic, doest not stand in the way of the music and is also given opportunity to solo occasionally.

Although the presence of a bass guitar usual pushes the music towards Fusion, both stylistically and sound-wise, it is not the case here. There is some more fusion oriented music here, but its character is defined by the usage of electric piano rather than the bass, which stays conventionally Jazz oriented.

Overall this is an excellent debut effort, which as usual on the Polish Jazz scene surprises with its high standard of compositions and the ability of the players, who sound as if they have been playing Jazz for decades. The youthfulness and energy are well tamed by restrain and self discipline, resulting in a tasteful showcase of young Polish Jazz at its best. Well done indeed!

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