
niedziela, 9 sierpnia 2020

Pimpono Ensemble - Survival Kit (2020)

Pimpono Ensemble

Jędrzej Łagodziński - tenor saxophone
Michał Biel - baritone saxophone
Rafał Różalski - double bass
Szymon Gąsiorek - drums, OP-Z, vocal
and others

Survival Kit


By Adam Baruch

This is the second album by the Pimpono Ensemble, a Copenhagen based group of Polish, Danish and Norwegian musicians, led by Polish drummer/composer Szymon Gąsiorek (a.k.a. Pimpon), which also includes trumpeter Jonas Due, saxophonists Jędrzej Łagodziński and Michał Biel, tuba player Rasmus Svale, and bassists Jonatan Uranes and Rafał Różalski. A couple of guests take part in the proceedings. The album presents ten original compositions, all by the leader.

The music follows some of the ideas put forward on the brilliant debut album, presenting highly original music, which mixes Jazz sophistication with Rock energy and Avant-Garde improvisations, creating a big, impressive sound and a continuous surge of creativity. Although this lineup of the ensemble (a septet) is smaller than the one performing on the debut (a nonet) there seems to be no less power of expression and utilizing of the available instruments to create a kaleidoscope of sounds, and a rich tapestry of soundscapes, which is extremely effective

As I have already stated in my review of the debut album, this music is first and foremost a reflection of the unique compositional skills of Gąsiorek, which is often as bold and forward thinking as what Frank Zappa was doing with his ensembles decades ago. Luckily the composer is able to find musicians, who are able to follow his ideas and put them into reality, which considering the complexity and diversity of this music is nothing short of miraculous.

I must admit that in retrospect this album impresses me even more than the shocking debut released four years earlier. The music is more concise, coherent and mature, and honestly has almost no parallels among what is currently being created within the Jazz idiom worldwide, pointing towards what Jazz is able to accomplish based on its tradition but firmly and boldly pushing the boundaries.

Overall this is one of those albums that immediately deliver a merciless punch in your solar plexus and you remain stunned for quite a while. Sadly it will most probably not be properly appreciated by the audiences, as happens with the best music time after time, but who gives a damn? This is unequivocally a masterpiece and anybody missing listening to this music is a fool!

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