
środa, 25 maja 2011

Władysław Sendecki scoops prestigious Award!!!

The source for this information is ACT recording company which issued last album by Sendecki "Solo Piano At Schloss Elmau". It reminds me that my blog lacks review of this interesting album: a mistake I should amend soon. 

Vladyslav Sendecki wins Hamburg Jazz Award 2011

The pianist and ACT artists Vladyslav Sendecki has received the prestigious Hamburg Jazz Award 2011 (“Hamburger Jazzpreis”). The jury, consisting of musicians, journalists and other important personalities of the cultural sector stated: „Vladyslav Sendecki impresses with the depth of his musical performance, his versatility and sovereignty. He has godlike playing skills and eared international recognition as an outstanding pianist. For the city of Hamburg, Vladyslav Sendecki showed a great deal of dedication in initiating musical projects and exchange programmes between young Polish and Hamburg based jazz musicians making him an important role model.” Vladyslav Sendecki lives in Hamburg since 1995. He is a permanent member of the NDR Big Band since 1996. His recent album “Solo Piano at Schloss Elmau” (ACT 9485-2) is an amazing document of his status as one of Europe’s greatest jazz pianists.
The Hamburg Jazz Award comes with a prize money of 10.000 € and is presented by the “Dr. E. A. Langner-Stiftung” - a foundation aiming to sustainably support Hamburg-based jazz musicians. The award is presented under the patronage of Nils Landgren who was appointed head of the jury in 2007. This year’s edition of the Hamburg Jazz Award will be officially handed over to Vladyslav Sendecki in May 2011.

“One of the world’s top five jazz pianists!”
- New York Village Voice

„A fascinating solo-CD!“
- Der Spiegel

"One of the most powerful and imaginative solo-pianists of our time."
- Süddeutsche Zeitung

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