
niedziela, 19 sierpnia 2012

Switch On Quintet - Our Car Will Never Stop (2010)

Switch On Quintet

Maciej Fortuna – trąbka, fluegelhorn
Marcin Kajper – saksofony
Jakub Kujawa – gitary
Michał Rybka – gitara basowa
Bogumił Romanowski – perkusja

Our Car Will Never Stop (2010)

Maciej Fortuna is one of these young musicians which has made recent years on Polish jazz so exciting. In a very short time he recorded such great albums as mainstream "Lost Keys" (2010) and "Solar Ring" (2012) or experimental "1" (2012). Highly acclaimed by critics and beginning to be recognized by local audience he quickly has become a force to be reckoned with in our music.

This album shortly pre-dates "Lost Keys" and may be seen as kind of test made before album. Music is well played and tunes are diversified but Fortuna yet stays a bit withdrawn, not enough self-assured to step fully forward as a leader. It is obvious that through recordings like this one he gathered strenght for this big leap forward he made just few months later. In fact the music on this disc sounds as if he had just started to bounce and occasionally fly away... For such moments it is really worthy to listen to this album.

By Maciej Nowotny

Track listing:
1 Remember The Dog
2 Parap
3 4KT
4 Mr Mijagi
5 Don't Scare The Butterfly
6 Reunite
7 About Missing
8 Our Car Will Never Stop
9 Lost In Saigon
10 Locker One
11 Night

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