Tomasz Gadecki - tenor & baritone saxophones
Mark Tokar - double bass
Michał Gos - drums
Awatair Plays Coltrane
FSR 2019/16
By Adam Baruch
This is a debut album by the
Awatair jazz trio consisting of Polish saxophonist Tomasz Gadecki, Ukrainian
bassist Mark Tokar and Polish drummer Michał Gos. The album, recorded live,
presents four tracks, three of which are compositions by John Coltrane and one
is an original improvisation credited to the trio members.
For most Jazz listeners the
late John Coltrane period, when his music moved into "interstellar space",
remains well beyond their grasp to this very day, over half a century later. Coltrane's
visionary approach to music in general, and his output closely preceding his untimely
death is even more unapproachable to musicians, trying to produce anything
similar to his unearthly accomplishments.
In view of the above this album
is threading a thin line between homage and a self parody, which characterizes
most similar projects. Gadecki, who undoubtedly is one of the most interesting
Jazz personalities on the Polish Jazz scene, has a fabulous record of creating
some of the most ambitious and consistently excellent Polish Free Jazz
projects, takes a great risk here, and I am relieved to say that he and his
colleagues manage to produce a homage rather than a pastiche.
Gadecki's playing on this album
is nothing short of phenomenal. He is able to produce a range of sounds from
his instruments, which can be surprising even to veterans of the genre. His
explorations are diverse, original and heartfelt all the way and his technique
and stamina are extraordinary. He is amicably supported by the rhythm section,
which is supportive and sensitive, but less impressive.
Overall this is a fascinating
listening experience, which manages to keep the listener on his toes for the
entire duration. Having said all that I still think Coltrane and his late
period music is a holy grail that should rather be left alone as a symbol of
human Genius.