Leszek Kułakowski Quartet feat. Eddie Henderson
Leszek Kułakowski - piano
Eddie Hederson - trumpet
Piotr Kułakowski - doublebass
Jacek Pelc - drums
Cantabile In G-Minor (Multikulti, 2011)
Right now in Hollywood all kinds of pre-quels are trendy and this CD is kind of such project not from one but even from two perspectives. First, although released by Multikulti label in 2011 it was actually recorded in 2006. It therefore evidences an earlier stage in Kułakowski artistic development before magnificent "Code Numbers" (2010), the album where he ventured on very subtle and personal dialogue with modern avantjazz aesthetics. This CD however is wholesome mainstream effort with all spatiality and demureness of late ECM style augmented by bop notes from time to time coming from Eddie Henderson's trumpet.
And this is that second perspective as brought into recording by powerful Henderson presence who took lessons from legendary Louis Armstrong and had personal relationship with such luminaries of bop era trumpet as Miles Davis or Lee Morgan. Henderson saturates this recording with deep and wide legacy of Blue Note golden years which sounds surprisingly fresh though more than 50 years has passed since its peak!
In the end this album, like best Hollywood pre-quel movies, though definitely predictable and nothing-new, still is executed with such mastery, maturity and musicality that few mainstream recordings of this year 2011 could withstand comparison with it! The high level of muscianship it owes not only to above mentioned Eddie Henderson's trumpet or Leszek Kułakowski's piano but also to extremely timely and sensitive pulse as supplied by Piotr Kułakowski's double-bass and Jacek Pelc drums.
Speaking shortly, this one swings like hell and if you love mainstream jazz you should not let this CD pass unlistened to.
Check concert version of tune titled "Taniec świetej krowy" (Dance of holy cow"). Great music!
Author: Maciej Nowotny